3 reasons you’re feeling ravenous at night

We’ve all been there. It’s late in the evening, you’re starving and the snack draw is practically singing our name. You start with one small snack but suddenly you’re a packet of chips and biscuits deep. Late-night overeating can leave us feeling out of control with our food and result in feelings of shame and guilt. However, late-night overeating is not a symptom of poor willpower, instead, there is often a variety of causes for this habit. 

Here are three reasons you’re overeating at night:

  • You skipped a meal.

    It seems logical right? If I’m not hungry during the day why would I eat? Unfortunately skipping meals can catch up with you later in the day. When we let ourselves get too hungry we are more likely to reach for nutrient-poor foods such as high fat, high sugar and highly processed foods. On the flip side, studies have found that regular meal times (3 or more regular meals throughout the day) better aid appetite control and limit mindless eating. Generally speaking, eating less than three meals throughout the day reduces our ability to manage our appetite and food choices.  

  • You’ve been skimping on carbs

    Carbohydrates are our bodies' primary fuel choice when we skip them we risk feeling hungry and tired later in the day - not to mention grumpy!! Much like eating regularly throughout the day, eating well portioned balanced meals that include a source of high fibre carbs will help keep us energised, focused and satiated throughout the day.

  • You’ve been substituting caffeine for food

    Have you ever found yourself at 12 pm and thinking the only thing I’ve eaten today is a coffee? For the general population, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a coffee or two throughout the morning. It’s a part of our daily culture and can boost sporting performance. However, caffeine on its own, without food, can suppress your hunger and give you a false sense of energy. Unfortunately, like skipping meals, once the caffeine wears off our hunger can come back with a vengeance at the back end of the day and may result in overeating. Making sure we eat a meal or snack alongside our coffee will help curb any late-night hangry caffeine withdrawals. 

How can I get better control of my eating?

With the guidance and support of a Dietitian. Our dietitians are skilled in accessing, advising and troubleshooting your diet & nutrition to fit your lifestyle, health and performance goals. They work together with you to create convenient and sustainable nutrition solutions to help you feel satiated and energised throughout the day and confident with your nutrition choices. 

Learn more about our nutrition service by clicking here


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