Rugby Athletes when following a specific Strength and Conditioning program can drastically improve their performance and reduce their risk of injury on the field!

Rugby is an extremely dynamic sport which can be very challenging on the body. The usual physical components of a field sport such as sprinting, changing direction and endurance are made much more challenging with the collision/contact element of the sport. Therefore rugby athletes have to be treated different to most, as there is a much larger emphasis placed on creating a robust physique that can withstand these collisions whilst still improving agility, speed and fitness. Rugby athletes will all train based on their positions specific requirements but can generally expect to focus on speed, power and mobility.

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Strength and Power can be assessed using out VALD Force Decks and Force Frame

These specialised pieces of equipment can show imbalances in an athlete that if aren’t corrected, can lead to injury on the field. The Force Frame and Force Decks are also important when rehabilitating rugby injuries as they can be used to monitor progress and can give our coaches an accurate timeline of when an athlete is ready to return to play.


Learn more about how we use VALD to help you become a better Rugby Athlete

The injury risk for Rugby is HIGH due to collisions, but can be reduced with Strength Training

Most people assume that injury prevention for rugby just requires increasing the size of the athlete, and while this can be beneficial, it is not the only way to go about reducing these risks. Rugby requires athletes to be incredibly mobile and agile to avoid injuries on the field and both traits improve dramatically through specific gym training.

Know that you are in the capable hands of a team of professionals that work cohesively together with the goal of helping you reach your Rugby potential.

Rugby Injury Prevention